Who exactly is the face behind this blog?
I am Hillary (the sassy one for those curious). I am a city girl at heart but fell in love with a sleepy little mountain town and now live there with my precious family.
My precious family consists of: my husband Jimmy, an angel baby who we lost entirely too early, and a sweet baby girl, Ruby.
Jimmy and I are sort of high school sweethearts (it's a little bit of a stretch). We met when I was 15, he 18-he had just graduated. I put off the inevitable until the summer before my senior year when we started the dating thing with him being away at college. The rest, as they say, is history.
We married on infamous July 7, 2007 and have been living in wedded bliss ever since.
Oh and baby bliss, too.
Sadly, the baby thing hasn't been all bliss. We found out we were expecting on November 14, 2007. Fear and doubt crept in almost immediately as my body tried to prepare me for heartache. On January 6th, my world came crashing down as my underlying suspiscions were confirmed and our baby was taken home.
Having that as the introduction to the whole baby-makin' thing didn't make for great nerves for a second go 'round. Which happened much earlier than I believed we wanted.
On March 4, 2008, we once again found out there was a wee one growing. Something was different this time and I felt it deep within myself.
After some stressful first months where I struggled to even walk through my kitchen without gagging, I relaxed a little bit (hint: the word little) and enjoyed my pregnancy tremendously.
On November 10, 2008-Ruby Elliana graced our lives with an amazing little spirit.
She is the sunshine in our lives-I never in a million years could convey to anyone the love that I have for my precious girl.
And as you may know, life doesn't stop when you have a baby.
I went on to finish my teaching degree and graduated in May 2009 with my BS in liberal studies.
I ended up here as stay at home mom with the best boss in the world (although stingy as she is-she has yet to give me a raise). We are fortunate to be able to snuggle each other, read, and play with gazillions of toys each and every day.
As for me? I have a type A personality with some OCD habits thrown in which I like to believe me that much more loveable and easy to be around. I pick up new hobbies like I need them to live (hence the blog). I enjoy scrapbooking, making cards, baking, and shopping (you might call me a professional shopper-I'm that good). Recently, I learned to knit, and I am looking forward to taking on the task of learning to sew. I very much enjoy photography, but am still in rookie status as far as that goes. Also thrown into my mixture of things that make me tick: reading and traveling.
Bad habits may include: blog surfing for hours (we love our naps around here), jotting down recipes that I'll one day use, reality television, online shopping.
If you want to win me over, bring me chocolate, a chick flick, comfort food, a good book, an all inclusive vacation, or a teeny baby to snuggle.
If you want to become quick enemies, you can talk about spiders, rodents, or any slithery reptilian beings. Or you can prohibit me from eating junk or going shopping.
I started this blog shortly after Ruby was born for friends and family to keep up. The whol truth is this: I was constantly trying to email pictures as attachments and would get so frustrated with how time consuming this was, so I found an alternative. It [obviously] worked well for me and now it has kind of become an obsession. Slightly. Maybe.
Enjoy my thoughts on motherhood, wifedom, and hobby enthusiast as I detail my days with each and channel my innermost Lucille Ball-like self.
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