
Saturday, March 14, 2009

He has Arrived!

Baby Dezi is here!! I had mentioned earlier this week that he would probably be born on Friday the 13th! We've been waiting for him to arrive for quite a long time, and I'm so excited that everything went perfect-he's just beautiful. I got the news that his arrival was quite possibly in the near future yesterday before we left for Roo's doctor appointment (and other assorted errands), and I proceeded to check my phone like a compulsive lunatic. And wouldn't you know it, I missed the phone call when he arrived!

We had a good day yesterday. Long, but good. Ruby's doctor appointment was at 10:00 (so we left at 8:30) and we didn't get home until 9:30. We had lunch at Carinos (where we got engaged..although it used to be called Johnny Carinos, so we both still tend to call it that), and I managed to out-eat my husband for the first time ever which (can I admit this?) was both a little embarassing and a little satisfying. Breastfeeding has been my saving grace for my love affair with food-I can eat all I want and not gain anything. I should probably stop thinking this way.

Ruby weighed 15 pounds exactly and she's 25 inches long (!!!) She certainly didn't get the length from her momma, but she's in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th for her length (and 50th for her little head). She has developed the things that a five month old should, so we're doing good all around! We chose not to get the vaccinations because I don't feel that I would have been making an informed choice.

I did get my hair cut which was long overdue. Ruby is pulling it like crazy and I haven't had it cut in a year! It looks so healthy and different-I was ready for a change.

And I got lots of things to make Ruby some hair bows...and I'll be trying my hand at making a tutu as well! I think it will be precious-we'll see if the picture in my head turns out to be the product in front of me.

Jimmy went to watch the state basketball championships, so it's just me and Ruby (I'm such a homebody-one day out was enough for awhile!). We're watching some TV and just being lazy. It feels great.

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