
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

joke's on me

My card giveaway has now ended and the lucky winner is Kim! Hit me up with your email and I'll contact you for the details. Thanks to all that entered-I hope to be hosting another one soon here soon. If you would like to buy cards from me or know someone who may, that would certainly be okay too.

I have recently discovered the wonder that is digital scrapbooking. I have been known to call this the lazy way of scrapbooking in the past and lets face it, I do have a special place in my heart for the real deal, but I do have to say, I think I am developing a sudden obsession with scouting on the freebies and playing around with them in Photoshop Elements. I certainly don't need anything else to distract me, but I seem to be a magnet for things like this, especially when I have other pressing items.

School continues to prove interesting and I don't anticipate that changing before I'm done, because we're at the last stretch. The weather is bound to start getting warmer (please?!) and the kids are going to become restless. Today, one child was in the bathroom for about fifteen minutes before I sent Donna to go check on her while I had visions of her graffiti-ing the stalls or, in light of yesterday's events, possibly going on the floor. Apparently she was using the restroom, but felt the urge to make herself at home and took off her shoes.

Tomorrow, I have plans to play into the April Fool's spirit with the kiddos. I'll let you know how it goes. Is anyone else just shocked that it's already April?!


  1. That is me!!! I am so excited! I love your cards. I cannot believe I get to enjoy them! Thank you.
    My email is
    Thanks again. I am off to post about my win!

  2. COngrats to Kim!! SO fun!
    kari & kijsa

  3. Oooh...I LOVED playing April Fool pranks on my 5th graders. They got a kick out of it, too. One year I turned all of their desks backward because they had the flip top kind, so when they tried to lift the lid they couldn't...brings me back to the good old days!

    Kim's one of my good friends, so I'll have to hit her up for a card or two! ;)

    Thanks for all of your inspiring comments on my recent blog posts. I just love having those creative juices run through me! It often happens in spurts!
