
Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Mister Ed in Bed Sunday

we think Daddy's pretty funny 'round here.

Nothing like breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning, especially when it's the infamous Mister Ed. If you don't know what a Mister Ed is (and you probably don't since it's found at one of the tiniest hole-in-the-wall places in a town two hours from us), it's basically the biggest enemy of any diet (why do these things always find me??). Hashbrowns cover the bottom of the plate and then are topped with bacon, biscuits, eggs over easy, green chili and cheese. It's almost like a breakfast burrito without the tortilla. You know, a naked breakfast burrito.

Ruby is so close to rolling over. She's so dramatic about things, it's hysterical to watch her. She can get to her side, but her little arm gets in the way, and so then she flings herself back over to her back and looks around with a startled look on her face, almost if to say Who do this to me?!

She's becoming quite mobile just by kicking her legs-she doesn't stay on her blanket very well. Gone are the days where we are able to plop her on the bed and get things done.

Last night when Jimmy got home, we laid her out on the living room floor and just admired her. As she tried to roll over, Jimmy just looked at her and said something about how amazing it is. I asked him what he meant and he said it's strange to think they have to learn everything including things like rolling over. My favorite moments are those-sitting and watching her figure things out (while questioning how in the world she has grown this much in just four months!)

Her princess squeal is becoming quite loud. I laugh now, but I can just picture it now-she's going to be that child at the store that just does that while people all around stop to stare. Sometimes, she lowers her voice and draws it out, and then I think she sounds like a lamb (dying lamb?) She's also doing this thing where she can suck in both lips resembling that of a ninety-year old whose teeth have been long gone. She has been kicking her legs for quite some time now-she kicks with excitement and she kicks when she needs you to pay attention to her (and she also knows that kicking makes her bouncer..well, bounce). But now we have added in the flapping of the arms like a distressed pigeon.

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