
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

of cake & other assorted things

I just finished making german chocolate ooey gooey butter cake. And yes, it's absolutely as good as it sounds! Worth every calorie too, if you ask me. I thought we already concluded that I am not good at the watching/counting calories thing or eating healthy? We didn't? Well, figure that out now. Best way to my heart is anything sweet.

Ruby seems much better today, thankfully. Her nasty little cough has only shown up a few times today, and her nose has all but stopped running. She's much more like herself too. She wasn't too bad when she was sick-just had a hard time sleeping (and hello, doesn't everyone when their lungs burn and their nose is plugged?!) and was a little more impatient than normal.

And speaking of the little stinker, she had the biggest blowout that I have ever witnessed today...effectively soaking three layers of clothing (not including the diaper itself) with poop. Lovely, right? Just in time too because I would have been up a creek without a paddle had it been five minutes later (when we were at the grocery store).

You would have thought she was a celebrity child at the super market. Everyone stopped to coo at her and tell her how cute she is. I mean, she is cute, but they acted as if they had never seen a pretty little baby before! We take her out quite often (I cannot stand to be holed up inside) but oddly enough, all of these people today had never seen her before!

These pictures are the story of my picture-capturing life these days. If the dogs are anywhere in her line of vision, all bets are off. They clearly trump boring mommy with that obnoxious flashing black thing.


  1. I would probably have to stop you in the grocery store, too, if I saw this cute little thing coming my way! She's gorgeous!! Love her little smile! Glad to hear she's feeling a bit better...

  2. She is adorable! I love the first picture.

  3. Too funny about the blow out! My little guy had a huge one today, too. Not through 3 layers of clothes, but he most definitely needed a bath from head to toe after I had peeled his clothes off.

  4. Hey, could you email me when you get a chance? It's on my profile.

  5. I have to agree she IS very cute! And I'm glad you didn't have to experience her 'blowout' at the store!! Can you imagine?!? Yikes!

  6. She is so adorable! The grandma in me just wants to eat her up! LOL... Nice to meet you you dear...


    Beelieve You Can
    Psalm 18:29

  7. i remember those blowout days!!! my little one would go through a couple outfits a day! it was great we she could start table food....the blowouts happened less frequently :O) cute wonder everyone was stopping. did you make that bow too? it's adorable!

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a lovely weekend

  8. Hi! I'm stopping by from Sandy's blog. What a precious, beautiful baby!!!

    (Sorry about that blow-out, yikes!)

  9. my god, I just want to kiss her all over. Seriously? She's so beautiful it hurts a little.
