
Friday, March 20, 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Welcome to the chronicles of our ever-exciting (and sometimes downright boring, if I'm being totally honest here) life as a new family of three!

I married my best friend and partner in crime on July 7, 2007.

And this little gem (pun most definitely intended), Ruby, graced our lives on November 10th of last year and continues to be an amazing light in our lives-she's a wonderful gift!

Chances of finding me experimenting with new craft things or baking at any given time are quite great. As is the chance of me putting off the completion of things (read: cleaning my house or lesson planning) by blogging.

At times, I seem to be a walking version of Murphy's law, but it keeps life interesting! I work with kiddos on a daily basis and come home and have the temptation to act like a first grader as well, so life is never boring.

Take for example, last night. Jimmy and I did what any normal couple would do on a Friday night upon seeing a bag of mini marshmallows (that we had no use for). We stuffed as many as we could into our mouths. Score-Hillary: 67, Jimmy: 250. Consensus-husband has an abnormally large mouth. Would it be weird if I told you that I don't even like marshmallows?!

I started blogging because I want to be able to look back and remember the details. My mom recorded random kid doings and sayings on a yellow legal pad and we have enjoyed looking back at that on multiple occasions. This is just a more modern version..and one that can be shared a little more readily with many friends and family.

UBP is hosting some great prizes-if I win, I would love to win:

$100 gift certificate to either Pedal Cars and Retro or A Rocking Horse To Love

$25 gift certificate to Happy Panda (lets face it, anything baby-related is fair game!)

Core Fitness for Mom DVD from Moms into Fitness (what, I didn't say I was perfect, now did I?)

Aromatherapy book and a sampler of therapeutic essential oils.
Provided by: Jennifer at Oils For Wellness

Internet password organizer & Mommy Rescue Guide Toddler Meals cookbook
Provided by: Jodifur

$25 gift certificate for Shutterfly
Provided by:

A neato mommy & toddler gift basket!
Provided By: Seven Dogs and a Baby

I'd also love any of the following (US Prizes)prizes:

#s: 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23 45 49 52, 58, 62, 76, 77, 78, 105, 106, 109, 118, 123,


  1. 250! How is that even possible! (I love that game by the way, but we use the big marshmallows!!

  2. Oh my you guys seem like a fun couple! My kind of people :O) Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway....good luck! Your daughter is adorable <3 So when did you start making bows? I just started a couple of months ago and it's so much fun! I just became a follower so I will be was great to meet you. Happy UBP '09!!! Stop on back to my blog...I have bunch of giveaways coming up.

  3. Thanks for coming to my blog! I enjoyed visiting yours!
    My husband and I were married July 14, 2007 and our son was born Nov. 3, 2008. So funny how our lives seem to be similar! I will be checking in again! Nice to meet you! Your daughter is gorgeous!
    Blog hopping is so fun! :)

  4. well you do a wonderful job for just starting! you should think about selling your creations on Etsy. my daughter had no hair till she was about 1, so i attatched the bows to the crochet headband...they stretch as she grows so she can wear them now too. glad i found another bow loving mama!

  5. You have made me laugh- cute to see you guys having fun like that! Nice to meet you and your little girl is adorable!

  6. Wow you guys are fun. Hope you can stop by my blog!!


  7. That is so funny about the marshmallows. I agree - your husband DOES have an abnormally large mouth. lol Your little girl is gorgeous!! Nice to meet you!!

  8. Your baby is TOO cute! I wonder how many marshmallow she'll be able to get in her mouth...
    (In answer to your question, I live in San Antonio still. I was only in CO during the summers.)

  9. Happy UBP 2009 to you! What a cute little girl you have...precious! And -- those Sounds like something we'd do in our house. :)

  10. You guys are hilarious. I wish you lived next door :) I'd totally come by to "borrow sugar" and force you to be my friend. lol.

  11. Ruby really is a gem! Love the name, and the cheeks! AND the fact that you spell your name "correctly." We double-l's definitely need to stick together! ;) Have a fabulous weekend!

  12. Stuffing marshmallows... what fun! Beautiful baby girl. I love the name Ruby.

  13. Too funny, I can't believe that he got 250 in his mouth! Your daughter is adorable!

  14. mushy bunny! Your husband sounds like my brother. Large mouth bass! ha ha. Congrats on Ruby she is beautiful!

    Happy blog party!

  15. I love the name Ruby! She's gorgeous. I'm definitely going to be visiting your blog more often... us teachers have to stick together.;)

  16. LOL love the marshmallow contest you guys had! :) Too funny! It's great to meet you and learn a little bit about you and your family.

  17. Dropping by from the UBP! Very cute little girl! Nice to "meet" you :)

  18. Ruby is a beautiful little girl. Welcome to the party.

  19. Well you would beat me at the marshmallow game! Your little Ruby is just so gorgeous :) Beary best Hugs, Catherine and my Bumpkin Bears

  20. Love the photos. Happy blog party week. Nice to me you. Hope you stop by my party too.

  21. I'm party hopping! Hope to see you at my party!

    I'm so glad you like the prize I offered!

  22. Hi, I love your marshmallow story. We did the same once with grapes....messy, but lots of fun. You have such a sweet little cutie girl.

    Nice to meet you,
    Great UBP!

  23. LOL....THAT is hilarious!!! Sounds like something my husband and I would do and I don't even care for marshmellows either. ha
    Thanks for stopping by. you have a beautiful family.

  24. Holy crud your hubby must have a big mouth!! Can't say I ever played that game. Your blog is super cute. Thanks so much for coming by and visiting for the party. I hope you enjoyed yourself and can't wait to see you back again. Happy partying!!

  25. Hope you are enjoying the UBP! Nice to meet you, great job on the blog!

  26. Hillary, Thanks so much for coming by my blog for the big UBP09! I'm so glad you also became a follower and can't wait to see you back around my parts! ;)

    Your beautiful Ruby is just the sweetest little thing! I love the fun bows that she wears...I'm assuming those are all made by you! It was fun to read that you are a teacher. I taught 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders for 6 years before staying home with my kiddos. It's such a fun job!

    Hope you have a great party and good luck on winning some prizes. Hope to "see" you again soon.

  27. When I found out my third child was going to be a girl, I bought red ruby slippers!

  28. I've never seen that game LOL!

  29. Blog party time! I have seen so many,and have so many more to see! :) What a great blog!

  30. Nice to meet you!

    Talk about a party!

    I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!

    Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!

  31. Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.


    I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.

  32. Hi, I like your blog and just wanted to know if you guys actually ate all those marshmallows you stuffed :)

  33. Hi from UBP 2009!

    It is nice to meet you!

  34. Stopping over from UBP 09! Love your blog and your babe! I'll be following you and our adorable family! Stop and check us out soon! Happy blogging!

  35. I'm stopping by from the UBP. It's great to "meet" you! You seem like so much fun! You have a great blog ~ I'll definitely be back!

  36. I'm cracking up about the marshmallow thing. You two must be a lot of fun at parties!

  37. So nice to meet you! YOur daughter is adorable! Have a great week :)

  38. Your little girl is so cute! I enjoyed looking at your blog!

  39. Hahaha...250 eh? Does that make me weird to want to go out and buy a bag and try it myself?!? LOL

    Your little girl is adorable! Have fun blog hopping!


  40. Visiting from UBP and loving your blog! Stop by and say hi, I have some posts with cards and other crafts that I would love to show you!

  41. What a sweet little girl! So adorable! Enjoy the party.

  42. I am so going to try the marshmallow game with my husband. This proves you are never to old to be silly as we are coming up on our 29th anniversary!

    Your baby is DARLING!

  43. HI! Thank you for stopping by my blog through the UBP! Your little girl is beautiful!

    I was looking at the cards you've made. They are very pretty. Great job!

    Had to laugh about the marshmallows. Cute!

    Enjoy the party!

  44. Hi, nice blog and yes, I agree. Blogging is a great way to chronicle life events.

    Nice meeting you on UBP! :D

  45. Aww! Look at Ruby, she's sooo cute! I'm so jealous! What a beautiful family you have, congrats!

    By the way I'm stoppin’ by from the UBP ’09 Block party! Nice party goin’ on up in here! Haha, I’m not a mom yet but I’m thinking about becoming one soon! I’m having a party at my place too if you get a chance to stop by! I hope I can pick your brain sometime! :)

  46. Hi! Such a pretty blog! Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.

  47. stopping by from the blog party.
    Love the pics with the marshmellows.. too cute!!!
    Hope you have a great week - I have three give-aways at my place if you have time to stop by.
    Sweet Blessings!

  48. That's a contest my hubby and I will have to try. I bet I'd win that one, if I didn't choke first. Bringing back the days of "chubby bunny!"

  49. What a beautiful little girl you have. Found you on the UBP. Happy partying!

  50. Cute post, although, I may not be able to eat marshmallows for awhile! LOL!

  51. Ruby is such a sweetie! I love all of her hair bows!! You have a cool blog! Hope that you can stop by for my party! I think I have a bag of marshmellows in my pantry that you are more than welcome to have! Have a great day!

  52. Love the marshmallow contest ;-) I enjoyed visiting your blog via the UBP! Your daughter is adorable!

    Beverly from The High Calling

  53. Popping over from the UBP! :) 250 marshmellows! wow! :) That is a big mouth!!

  54. Hello from the UBP '09!

    Your daughter is so beautiful! Congratulations on having such a gorgeous family! My husband and I don't have any yet, as I am waiting for him to come back from Iraq, but I fully plan on being a mother as soon as possible. Please feel free to stop in and check out my site anytime.



    Chinese Baby Names
    Spanish Baby Names

  55. Hey-

    Your blog is adorable.

    I am just stopping in from The Ultimate Blog Party to say hello. Come by my place to enter to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System and some books by pledging to read to your child everyday. You can also enter to win a pair of Girl's Crocs - Size 8/9. :)

    The Divine Miss Mommy

  56. Hi just stopping by from the UBP. Hmmm 250 marshmallows? LOL

  57. 250 mini marshmallows! Impressive!!
    stopping by for a last minute visit from UBP.
    party on :-)

  58. Your blog is so cute. So glad that I stopped by. Will be back again.

    Hope you will stop by my blog for a visit. I am new to blogging and I am loving all my new friends.
    I am giving away my first EVER BLOG PRIZE.
    I have a gift basket business and it is the most requested gift over the last 15 years.
    From the comments I have already received, it appears to be something a little different.
    I have been so touched by the comments that I have decided to give 2 boxes . They will be the $100 deluxe size. I really do want to bless people!!! I have decided that giving is life at its BEST. The drawing will be late afternoon on that's tomorrow!

  59. Thanks for putting Happy Panda on your list! The gc are gone but I think you will like what you won!
    Congratulations! You are a prize winner. Stay tuned...

  60. Contact me happypandababy(@)gmail(.)com and reference #440.

  61. Yes...I just read through all of your blog posts! I feel like I know you so much better now! :D However, I just discovered something very amazing. We got married on the same day! How awesome! Now I know it was a very popular day (although we didn't realize it when we picked it) but I am still shocked! I am also delighted to hear that you and your hubby are as goofy as Nick and I are! Haha!
