
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

getting caught up in things.

For the duration of my student teaching semester, there have been biweekly meetings that I haven't been required to attend because of the distance (hour and a half-ish). I knew from the beginning that there was one thing that I needed to go to aside from the end-of-semester celebration. That was today. And because I hadn't been to any meetings prior to today, I was unsure of where it was (and of course, emails inquiring about such a thing went unanswered). So, I just went to the Teacher Education office to ask. Well, much to my dismay, they informed me that the meeting had been at 10:30 this morning. I was so upset. I went to speak with the head honcho of all student teaching things and I confused her too by asking where the student teaching meeting was being held. She told me the same thing-I had missed it. In true emotional, hormonal-overload fashion, I broke down crying right in front of her. It wasn't for about five more minutes that we finally figured out that we hadn't been understanding one another correctly. They thought I was asking about the student teacher meeting for next semester's student teachers. I felt awful for crying like that-I can normally keep it together a little better than that and I made Annett feel horrible.

It's times like these when I find myself falling into a pity-me trap. As I was driving home, I thought about all I have to be grateful for. I have it so good. I strive to be a good person, but there are times where I take things for granted and am completely selfish. So what if I had missed that meeting. Would it have been a bit of a hurdle? Of course, but things would have been resolved.

I have a beautiful, healthy baby that brings so much joy to my life, every single day.

I have a supportive husband and amazing family that loves me. They have pushed me to succeed in school and my [future] career, and loved me unconditionally while doing so.

I have been placed at an amazing school for the home stretch of my schooling. I don't know how I could have possibly been placed with a better mentor, more amazing and open set of kids, or a more supportive staff. I feel so at home. Even though I am counting down the days until I am done, I will miss my class terribly. I am more counting down the days until I am relinquished from the task of reporting to the university with monotonous political things. Nevertheless, I am beyond thankful to be getting my degree (in 17 days!!)

In a time of such economical strife, my family lives quite comfortably. With two working cars, a home, and more materialistic things than we could ever really want, I am forced to think about those that are less fortunate.

And such a silly thing to be grateful for, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful for adorable little girl things, especially shoes! The kid doesn't even walk yet and she has been through six pairs of shoes. But hello, how cute are these?!

For as long as I shall live I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough

With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountains to the valleys

From the rivers to the sea

Every hand that reaches out

Every hand that reaches out to offer peace

Every simple act of mercy
very step to kingdom come

All the Hope in every heart will, speak what love has done


  1. Don't beat yourself up over it! Student teaching is SO hard, even if you get a good placement. You're working your butt off, for no pay at all, and the work doesn't end when you leave the building--especially since you have that gorgeous little girl at home!

  2. And we hope you get to stay with us on staff! :D We love you too much! Haha!

    Great song by the way! :D

  3. Oo I love baby shoes. My daughter has dozens of shoes. I can't resist because they're so darn cute.
