
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

almost famous

So, that's a little bit of a stretch, but I have never made the jumbo tron in a big stadium. Have you?! This little cutie pie did:

we weren't intentionally aiming for a gangster look, but I was afraid the sunscreen on her little head wouldn't be sufficient and I didn't have a hat for her. Being a mom, I am forced to become quite resourceful, so in a hat's place-the next best thing of course: a burp rag.

aside from consuming copious amounts of junk (this seems to be a continuing trend in my life), we spent the day in wonderful weather (no rain!) and I did get my diploma issue figured out. A good day, I'd say.


  1. Too cute! Love the sunglasses:) I'm glad you got your diploma issue resolved.

  2. ADORABLE! I love the glasses!!

  3. Ahhh! That's AWESOME, and terribly cute!!

  4. Super cute! Love the glasses and the "dew" rag. ;) Way to be resourceful! I don't think I would have thought of that. I bet there were lots of oohs and aahs when people saw sweet little Ruby on the big screen.
