
Saturday, May 2, 2009

D to the ONE.

Have I been a slacker or what?! I have not been blogging or reading much at all in the last few weeks, because well, I have been busy...graduating!! I am done done done! So done, in fact, that I don't think I know what to do with myself. I mean, shouldn't I be planning lessons or working on my portfolio or something?

I think the chances are great of finding my just staring at my wall for the sheer purpose of knowing how to feel bored again. It certainly hasn't sunk in that I don't have to dread the start of classes. Like, every again. My own class will be starting (hopefully I'll have my own class eventually), but I love that part. It's the college courses that I don't love.

Graduation was supposed to be this momentous occasion and turned out to be pretty anti-climatic. Save for the "I owe you" slip of paper in place of my diploma, I really don't have a thing to show for the ceremony. Not even a picture. Sort of sad, and I was a little upset about that this morning, but I'm over it now. Good news is, I have no one to report to in terms of deadlines and assignments. I can't even remember how it feels to be this way.

I have a list of a million things running through my head that I can't wait to do, but I think I'll probably just kick back and snuggle my sweet baby for the entire week. Nothing sounds better! Or, I might just sleep all week to make up for the lack of sleep in the last five months. However, then I would be missing out on some precious moments with my baby girl-she's growing up so fast, I can hardly keep up with her. She's babbling with a lot of different sounds now, we have discovered she's quite ticklish, and she is beginning to do things for the reaction she gets from others (i.e. smiles). What a doll.

In less exciting news-downright sad and heart-wrenching news actually-please pray for our good friend Todd. He was in a car accident last night and broke his neck in three places. I don't have other details, but I do know that two people were with him, and one was taken to the hospital by Flight for Life. Todd was supposed to get married this fall, but earlier this year, his fiance Sara discovered she had a massive cancerous tumor lying on her heart and lungs so the wedding had already been postponed. These two have had a rough year already, and I know they could use some serious prayer power.


  1. Yeah Hillary!!! I am so jealous that you don't have to come to school on Monday. I on the other hand will be starting the day off with morning duty:)

    I'm sorry to hear about your friends. I will be praying for them.

  2. Yeah! I think that is feels good to be done. I still want to continue at a later date with my Masters.

    Good job! Blessings!
