
Thursday, May 14, 2009

weekend away.

So apparently when you turn six months old, it's clearly time to start sitting up unassisted. Ruby can do this for long stretches of time before she topples over (she is a little top heavy with that big noggin), but she can definitely do it for awhile. Bonus points if you can simultaneously grab your toes and sit up without falling over like a drunk. I give her two weeks max before she's doing it consistently. Who told her it was okay to grow up?!

I have spent quite a bit of time online shopping yesterday and today (although not buying). I still have that leftover pudge around my middle which isn't attractive in very many of my clothes. Okay, okay, it isn't attractive in any of my clothes, but some of them hide it quite well. I have some sort of obession with Forever 21 but the closest one is 3 hours away. I ordered some clothes that will hopefully be slimming agents (is that such a thing?! Well, it is now). I tried to get versatile things too (casual or dressy depending on what I wear them with).

We're off to the state baseball playoffs tomorrow afternoon (and furniture shopping, too!) And then we're headed on a little weekend getaway. I'm hoping I don't go entirely psychotic over the unbelieveable amount of food choices there. Self control, please be with me! It will be a nice change of pace. Not that I have had any overbearing, rigid schedules to follow as of late, but it will be fun.

What's with the new me and no pictures? I'll have to get on that soon (I even have pictures from today of the Roo herself sitting up completely by herself!). I'll be back on Sunday-try not to miss me too much!

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