
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

full schedule

Ruby and I had great company today with Leanne and Mason. We went for a walk, chowed down (well I did, much for than they did. This appetite is out of control), and did some crafty like things. But mostly, I sat around and played with the babies a lot. I did get three pages done for Ruby's scrapbook. It's coming along, albeit slowly.

Please also note, and mark accordingly on your calendars if you feel so inclined, that Ruby put herself to sleep in her crib today for the first time ever. In case you didn't understand the first time: RUBY PUT HERSELF DOWN FOR A NAP TODAY...IN HER OWN BED.

too bad the nap only lasted thirty minutes Baby steps, right?!

Tonight, we went to the park and watched Jimmy play softball. The weather was beautiful, with just enough of a chill to warrant jackets.

You know you should be thankful for such a beautiful place to live with the surrounding backdrop of the entire town looks like this:

The perpetual red-mouthed child in our house. That would be the direct result of constant ice cube consumption thanks to the toofies.
This week is crawling by which is odd, given that this has been packed full of activies. We have had plans every day, and will continue to do so until Sunday. I'm tired just thinking about that-I'm so ready for a vacation.
Good thing we have one coming right up, isn't it?


  1. Have I mentioned that you have the most beautiful little girl ever!!

  2. oooh, poor toofies!

    That first pic with the backdrop looks totally painted! Amazing!

  3. Love all the accessories:) Especially the sunglasses. Maybe I should put Mason in her crib again so she will want to use it...
