
Monday, November 16, 2009

Birthday Festivities

Ruby's first birthday didn't kill me, that isn't the reason for the prolonged missing in action status. But it has taken me awhile to unwind from the big bash, which practically lasted the entire week.

Papa, I don't know what you want me to do here!

My dad has been counting down the days until the big one year birthday arrived so that he could feed her sugar. I made the mistake of giving him the magic age, and he has informed Ruby of the number of months, and more recently weeks and days, until she could raid his candy drawer.
So, I let him feed her her very first sucker. She didn't love it, and in fact she generally wanted nothing to do with it.

We went to dinner that night with family and Ruby got to eat her very first helping of spaghetti, which she inhaled. I, of course, didn't remember to take my camera so I don't have any good pictures of Ruby in her orange-faced glory. It was so cute seeing her suck up those noodles.

Ruby cleaned up in the present area-I'm thinking of calling off all gifts for Christmas! We would rival the local toy store. You know, if we had a local toy store.

Ruby was upset when I pulled her from all of her little friends so that she can smash her cake, but she quickly got over that. She was curious as to why we were all looking at her and singing, and she loved the cake...

What a mess!! We bathed her in the sink right when she was finished.
We had a great time. Despite my poor planning for various things, it came out okay and we had a fun group of people to help us celebrate.
Annnd, I still can't believe my kiddo is one. Just today, she wore a hooded sweatshirt and jeans and I thought she looked SO much older.

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