
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday Chaos

Yesterday was supposed to full of quick and painless errands; a fun excuse to get out of the house for an appointment, followed up with a shopping day.

Nothing ever pans out quite nearly as smoothly as I envision.  I can thank the construction crews and tire service people that believe no one has any place to be at a reasonable time for reminding me of this.

Ruby and I were not early for her doctor appointment yesterday, however we would have been right on time without the ten minute construction delay.  Walking into a vomit-covered waiting room and having them tell me they would need to ask permission to squeeze me in since I was late was the frosting on the cake.  Eight minutes past my appointment time due to circumstances out of my control, and the people that are never within thirty minutes of being on schedule tell me they would let me in to be seen today wasn't something that left a great taste in my mouth.  Or maybe that was the horrible smell in the waiting room.

Ruby's happy and healthy, and according to her doctor, going to be a great cause of stress for her daddy in the future.  Said while she examined her and looked down at her mass of curly, long eyelashes.

I thought Santa Clause would be a nice treat for Ruby, but she had other ideas about my intentions and instead found him to be completely creepy and someone she would certainly not be willing to sit with.
The good-intended trip to the mall wasn't a total bust.  I found some ruby red slippers for Ruby's Christmas attire.  Sorta.  I'm not sure what shoe manufacturers have against making cute, red dress shoes but there isn't an over abundance of choices.

Lunch with friends at Chipotle left me satisfied with a side of heartburn.  And then it was off to the tire place to discover what those people always try and pull with me.  The whole you are a woman by yourself, knowing nothing about tires or cars in general; lets see what sort of problems we can manufacture for you to have us fix thing.

Ninety minutes for a single tire to be patched.

We rewarded our waiting with a trip to Kohl's and a cartful of some last minute Christmas things before heading out to tackle the grocery shopping.  There may or may not have been more peppermint oreo packages found in my cart at checkout.
I don't have any idea how they got there, but I assume they needed a nice place to go home to, so I obliged and paid for them.

We were supposed to have dinner and a movie with friends, but the tire place blew those plans, and we gave a raincheck.  Ruby and I went to Barnes and Noble, instead, where I scoured book possibilities and potential baby names, enjoyed peppermint hot chocolate, and
she played with the trains and puzzles.

On our agenda for today: cookies and more cookies, Christmas cards, Christmas movies, and wrapping gifts.  

Happy 28 weeks to babycake; today marks three months exactly until the expected bake time will be finished.  Nine weeks (63 days) until baby is considered full term.

And no, the Baby Name Wizard book has not worked any magic for me yet.

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