
Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in 2011

Our household is ringing in 2011 in style this year; unwelcome guests Cough, Runny Nose, and Exhaustion will be attending our house party.

I feel like I should have been conditioning myself to see the other side of midnight.  I think we'll see the ball drop in NYC and call it good here.  Kisses at 10 PM doesn't quite have the same ring as being kissed at midnight, but no one tells you how tiring it is to grow a human and be sick at the same time.

I can't wait to see what 2011 brings, however part of me feels like I just got used to writing 2010.  I will no longer have to say that I'm having a baby next year.  More like, in nine weeks or so. How odd.

2010 brought lots of fun changes for our family, but also a lot of anticipation for Babycake's big debut, since we found out midway through the year.  It will be interesting to see everything that changes this year.  Mostly, I can't wait to see the numbers on the scale go down rather than up.  I'm only sort of kidding.

2011 will bring anniversaries, both happy and sad, birthdays and family vacations.  It's always fun to anticipate the changes that I have no premonition about; perhaps a bit scary too.  I have plenty of goals (I can't jump on the resolution bandwagon; something about that seems to make me feel completely locked in to whatever my visions for that particular year may be), one of which happens to be making more time for things I enjoy.  How ironic I would choose such a venture with a new little one due to arrive quite soon.

Happy New Year!

Rubyisms of the week: 

Daddy eating something off of her plate; Ruby yelled "HEY!  Give that back, Daddy!"

Me asking her to say, "Excuse me."  She replied, "I'm asleep" and pretended to be snoozing.  Seems to me, it would have been simpler to just say "Excuse me" but what do I know?

Now, where can I find someone that has a knack for taking down and storing Christmas decorations?  They certainly don't live here-I feel like I might just leave up my decorations until next year.  That would be easier.

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