
Sunday, February 13, 2011

the waiting game.

I think it's only fair to note that I can still wear cute shoes at 37 weeks-AND my wedding rings!  By this point in my pregnancy with Ruby, I was down to halfway sliding my fat feet into crocs and calling it good.

I'm currently awaiting my personalized note to drop from the Heavens, letting me know when I can plan for labor to begin.

Until then.

I continue to waddle like a resident penguin.

I have scrubbed the inside of my house with all but a toothbrush.

I have made compulsive lists of things to do and last minute things to grab.

I have washed sheets about 120 times.

I have baked and frozen plenty of goodies.

I have rewarded the 2349 loads of laundry, the baseboard scrubbing, and the top of the refrigerator mopping with a frozen hot chocolate and baked cupcake cookies.

Oh, and a little scrapbook time and time with my sweet baby girl.

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