
Saturday, April 30, 2011

polka dot happenings

  • I made those.  By myself.  With minor imperfections.
  • They have since been transformed into monogrammed fun.

  • My sweet little love has had a cold this week.  She has done remarkably well with a stuffy nose, but I hate seeing my kiddos sick.
  • I have recently started tracing my ancestors back; my favorite find so far is Nimrod.  He married Malinda Belinda.

  • I have apparently been bitten by the baking bug.  And the crafting bug.  Or maybe just the bite off more than you can chew bug.  Either way, I have a huge list of crafty creations to get to (in all of my spare time) and I have a whole kitchen full of baked goods.
  • I got up at a silly hour to watch the royal wedding festivities;  it's not often I see that hour of the day, but seeing all it was completely worth it.  That and the scones, coffee, and sweet snuggle little one.

  • We celebrated Jimmy's birthday this week - I feel so blessed to have such an amazing person in my life.  We celebrated further with a night out with friends and family.
  • I finally surfaced from underneath my neglected house today.
  • We are having a sushi and movie night tonight; I plan to trash the house all over again with scrapbooking stuff. 

  •  We skyped with both of my brothers this week; Ruby has more fun looking at all of Uncle Corey's pets and showing Uncle Eric all of her fun toys.

  • And speaking of my eldest; yikes!  I can't describe her in a more accurate way than pistol.  Although, it seems like we have put a halt to the horrendous messes she enjoyed creating for several days; all that's left to solve in her little two year old world is how to stop the No, Ruby do it!, and the public restroom phobia.
  • I go back to school this next week which is sad, but mostly because it means my baby is nearly two months old.  I won't be one long each day, so I'm trying not think about leaving my babies at home.
And to think this is only a fraction of the thoughts in my brain and happenings in my house. 

 Puzzles, sushi, and snuggles beckon.

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