
Friday, April 1, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

I should have planned things slightly better when we thought about having baby #2; next time, we'll go for a due date after The Ultimate Blog Party.

I'm sort of kidding, but life is cah-razy around here with a two year old chatterbox, a month old baby that seems to enjoy the projectile spitting up and being held 24/7, and a mom that cannot catch up on laundry or anything else for that matter.

But really, my life is so full of joy you won't catch me complaining.  Come on in, grab a cup of coffee, and join me for a serious case of mommy brain.  I'm hoping that gets better soon but seriously, I left the oven on overnight last night (Don't tell my husband).

I married my best friend nearly four years ago and since then, we have been blessed with two amazing girls, Ruby and Eisley.  Being a mom is the most fantastic thing in life; words cannot describe the love I have for my children.

Ruby is my sweet, snuggly two year old.  She loves her sister, playing dress up, riding her tricycle in the house...naked, animals, and doing crafty things.  She also loves helping in the kitchen.  I could sit all day and listen to the various stories she tells me but she apparently has other things on the agenda, like emptying out her toy box and feeding her toys noodles.

Eisley made her way into our family on March 3, and you'll still catch me saying, "I can't believe she's a GIRL."  It's true, I thought I was having a boy the entire time.  I would have lost a serious amount of money if gambling were my thing.  Thankfully, monogrammed baby things and all things pink and frilly is my thing, so that's where my money went instead.  So far, Eisley does well at her job - being extremely cute, sleeping, pooping, and keeping her mom from getting anything at all done in a timely manner.  I'm excited to see her little personality come through.

And me?  I'm fairly normal aside from the serious lack of brain function these days.  I have an affinity for all things crafty - knitting, scrapbooking, attempting to sew, and home decor things.  I tend to have a knack for taking on more than I should, but chaos in life keeps me sane.  I love baking, coffee, bubble baths, oreos, photography, books, etsy, and reality television.  Most of all, I love my life.  I have an amazing group of family and friends, and I happen to think my own little immediate family is something really special.  My girls have an amazing daddy that loves them more than life.

Thanks for stopping by - I look forward to meeting so many new people.


  1. Congrats on your newest addition. Love all your photos. Hope everyone gets some sleep soon. Nice to meet you.

  2. What sweet photos! Congrats on your baby girl!

  3. I found your blog through UBP2011. I'm a new follower. I have a month old baby too...luckily I found some time to post for the party this year, because during night time feedings it's awesome to have new blogs to read :)


  4. Just realized she was born on March was my son :)

  5. I'm stopping by via the UBP. Congratulations on your new little one. I also have 2 girls that are 2 years apart (mine are 7 and 5), and my youngest was the one who had to be held 24/7 as well. Enjoy those cuddly days (in spite of the spitup)!

  6. Very nice to meet you. You have a sweet and uplifting blog here. Good luck with your girls!!
    (I have five so I definitely know "mommy brain"........what was I talking about......)


  7. You are so blessed to have a wonderful husband that is also your best friend... and two adorable little girls! Congrats on your newest. She is just precious. I have a 14-month-old and other on the way so mine will be about 20 months apart. Makes me a tiny bit nervous, more more excited than anything. Can't wait to have a newborn again!

  8. I love ALL the photos - and what a way to make another mom's uterus ache (but shop is closed DOWN!). Happy UPB11 and happy sweet family to you!

    Come on over and party with us!


  9. You have a beautiful family (and gorgeous photos!). Enjoy the blog party!

  10. What a fun blog!! I'm a new follower and found you through the UBP. Your fam is beautiful!! Looking forward to your updates!!

  11. Congratulations on your newest daughter!! :-) I found your blog through the UBP... My husband and I just celebrated our fourth anniversary as well...and we have two little ones as well. Only we have two boys... :-)
