
Thursday, June 30, 2011


We are about to begin our journey to the center of the Earth.  Phoenix if you prefer. Me?  Well, I'm sort of holding onto the possibility of shedding these last ten pounds through sweat.  Me and my pasty white, out of shape thighs are off to the desert to spend some serious quality time with the fam.  This might just consist of seven days of swimming.

Eisley started giggling a couple of months ago, however, we heard her first belly laugh on Tuesday night.  And in true Eisley fashion, she stopped the minute I pulled out the video camera.  She was laughing at Ruby laughing which made the entire thing that much sweeter.  Like a double rainbow right in my own living room.

I got up this morning and drug two sleepy critters to the doctor.  I don't particularly love the early hours.  Especially with a midnight bedtime and lack of coffee, but we survived. Chunk Monsta is almost fifteen pounds! Better late than never to become so roly poly. And um, that only goes for the pint-sized humans, because the double chin thing doesn't suit me so well.

Yet again, my big girl surprised me with her [lack of] reaction to her shot.  She gets so tickled over a the cartoon-themed bandaid and dum dum that she can't even focus on the shot.  She did not inherit that from her father.

 I have been reading this book while I lay in bed at night juggling mental to do lists and a nursing baby.  It is working wonders to use some of the philosophies in there.  We ran into some two year old versus mom & dad a few weeks back and I felt like I would be bald in no time.

I have gotten her to stop much of the aggravating behavior by asking her if she thinks her words or actions make people feel good.  It's almost like magic, and I hope that I can continue to remember these ways with her responding to them as well.

& HALLELUJAH, it's raining!  I don't know how long it has been since we have seen moisture.

{she's even happy sleeping}

If I never post again, I became one with the asphalt in Arizona.  Holy heat, here we come.


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