
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


- baby sister graduated on Saturday (there were only a few tears)

-Ruby's elbow decided to take over the post graduation party with a subluxation which was the most terrifying moment I have experienced as a mom.  I have never seen my baby in so much pain, and not knowing what was wrong made it worse.  With a bit of advice from the internet, Mom was able to put it back into place and after consulting with a nurse from Children's, I felt okay.

-both brothers were home; Eric brought home his girlfriend Megan ("Bacon" if you ask Ruby) (so nice to finally meet her!), and Aunt Sara, Uncle Phil, and Aunt Karen were here as well.  Our short time together was nice.

-Eisley has been glued to me all weekend, boycotting her crib, pacifier, and any other helping arms.  Good thing she's cute.

-I'm officially doing the weight watchers thing - so far, I'm not starving so there's a plus.  Now, if I could get to where I don't feel like exercise will kill me, I'll be in great shape (pun intended).

-I have no further work obligations as far as school goes, but my new job with two demanding bosses started months ago.  I'm excited!

-I'm also excited to embark on a much anticipated new endeavor (details later!)

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