
Saturday, June 25, 2011


Stepping on a craisin must be the worst thing ever.

Now that we have that out of the way, onto things I have learned about myself in the last week.

I have a newfound admiration for hula girls.  It turns out, hula hooping is not for the faint of heart, nor the people with shredded ab muscles thanks to the growth of babies.

I could get used to a live in nanny.  Meredith has been around to help me the last few weeks, and even though it sort of feels like I'm paying her to hang out, I can't get enough of her.

Turns out, I have a compulsive pajama buying habit.  This is right up there with my apparent fears of running out of ground mustard, sprinkles, and sesame seeds.

More Eisley squawking & Ruby's fits of giggles as a result:

Vacation to The Hottest Place on Earth is coming right up.  109 degrees the other day - it's tempting to collapse due to panic before I get there and actually collapse from a heat stroke.  My suitcase is nearly full with stuff for just the pool.

On a good note?  It only took me three years to figure out what was up with the slit in the bottom of the swaddle blanket.  It's for the carseat - I wish someone had spelled that out for me long ago because it could have saved some fussy car rides, never.

And the most crazy thing of all?  Tomorrow, the 26th is the day that I saw those two pink lines one year ago.  Those two pink lines turned into my little punkin pants, Eisley in pink clothing.  She's a mere eight days away from being an entire third of a year old. It's unfortunate pregnancy doesn't travel at the speed of light like childhood does.

It only seems appropriate to be celebrating the impending arrival of another baby - our niece Abigail tomorrow.

We have family pictures on Monday which I'm so thrilled about.  The only thing that would make them better would be losing a miraculous fifteen pounds before then.  Any bets?

Ruby phrases this week?  (I'll let you guess the sort of week we have had):

I told you no!

I can't hear you!

What did I say?

OH!  A sweet girl came to my house (!!) to highlight my hair yesterday and I love it!  This doesn't sound very exciting unless you knew my complex about all things hair related.  I'd totally show you a picture if I didn't have serious bedhead going on.  Ruby has had three terrible nights of sleep - last night she slept for nearly twelve hours straight and I must have been so excited I was doing somersaults in my sleep.

Anyway..the hair?  So awesome!

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