This was our second time there. Mom's Night Out. Leanne and I. Between people being stuck in the tricky bathroom, our waitress being overly nervous and subsequently apologetic, and the people watching opportunities, it's enough feel like we have gotten away from it all for a couple of hours.
Only tonight, we ordered the full motherlode. Twice. And we were at the receiving end of some judgemental glances and some stuttering, um, are you sures?*
Can you imagine the glances had they seen us pausing every five steps on the walk home for a picture where we enacted our best scared faces?
(note the invisiburger in my mouth)
Me either.
They weren't all creeper-ish.
*For the record, we definitely finished two FULL MOTHERLODES!
And I'm not the least bit sorry.
I'm not sorry either! They were so good and totally worth the awkward second ordering. And the pics...there really are no words. So fun!