
Saturday, November 19, 2011

random bits.

I am very impatiently waiting the arrival of a precious new niece, due any minute.  Last weekend, a fleeting thought insisted that she would arrive today - it's my late father in law's day of birth.  What a reminder about the joys of new life and to help with the mourning of lost lives.

And speaking of the world's biggest blessings...take a ride with Ruby at night.  We are blessed to live in a place where the stars shine brightly; exquisite diamonds in the sky.  Ruby sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for half of the ride home on Wednesday night.  She must have followed it up with a star-watching experience in her dreams, because she managed to sing the entire song in her sleep.  I love that the little things light up her life.

Eisley becomes a bit more mobile (and thus, more destructive) and a bit quicker with each passing day.  She can now go from a crawling position back to a sitting one.  My days of leaving her on a clean, fluffy blanket while I got things done are long gone.  Actually, I'm not sure who I am kidding, because a)blankets or anything within Eisley's reach have never been clean, and are covered with spit up, drool, and/or poop in a matter of minutes and b)I haven't really figured out how to get anything done since Eisley came into the picture.  She's after Ruby at breakneck speed, and she has recently discovered how much fun supported standing is.

I love her smile more than words can say.  Seriously, does it get any better than that?!  She seems to be quite the charmer - I'm curious what her personality will fully unravel to reveal.  

She stops whatever she is doing to listen to music, and just like it always has, it has an immediate calming effect.  Singing to her in the car keeps her quiet, singing to her amidst sad tears will make her stop too; it places an unbelievable peaceful tone on her disposition. 

I have a billion and one yarn projects in various stages of completion.  I'm making myself crazy with this ADD behavior.  I cannot wait to have space for yarn and other such creations.  Someday.

While random thoughts come spewing out crazy o'clock (seriously - I haven't seen this hour in ages), let me just spout off about my newest diet (I mean, life change) destroyer...

Holy Heaven in my mouth, I cannot get enough of these.  Unlike anything I have ever had before, but quite simply, you can't go wrong with caramel, chocolate, and shortbread.

You can imagine how well the cruise bod mission is going.  I might be wearing a tent if I continue to pull just one piece out of the freezer.  Five times a day.

ohh, bare feet and pajama-clad girls.  Love.

(this is the illustration to mom showers, also known as not peaceful showers or rudely fast showers.)

For the the fourth time in her life, Ruby is having a sleepover at Ama & Papa's after a grand adventure to watch Moo's basketball team play.  I hardly know what to do with myself, though I can imagine just what I should be doing.

Sleeping for sure.  

1 comment:

  1. You take such great photos of your sweet girls.

    I am curious...what kind of camera do you have and what setting do you use???
