
Monday, January 23, 2012

of glee-filled things

The carafe is filling for the first time today; it's nearly 5:00.  I long to sit in front of a fireplace watching fluffy flurries hurry past windows, in quiet company of my snuggled girls and a book, maybe a crochet hook or two.  The only evidence of any winter is the remnants of a snow piled by the plow in a random corner of the neighbor's yard.

Instead, we busy ourselves with scissoring our way through hundreds of pieces of construction paper, eating cinnamon raisin bread pretzels, baking, and playing game after game of Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.  Books on tape have become a new obsession as they allow for some multitasking at an all time serious high for me (with two small children underfoot).  Evidence of paper cutting, felt ornamenting, wreath creating, and picture taking lie in heaps around our bedroom.  That, and my unfounded fear of laundry being something similar to lethal, showcased with a rapidly reproducing pile of clean laundry.

Much to my dismay, Eisley has mastered the stairs.  With promises of toddling in her near future, she has figured out how to pull herself up on anything, including the fridge and the knobs of various kitchen drawers.  Some part of me longs to put her down every time she does this, because how can my teenytinybaby! be this big already?  Soon, she'll be running with her sister.  Tooth number seven is working on making an upcoming appearance, and my sleep has hardly taken a hit.  (Can I get an AMEN! of epic intensity?)  I knew when she was still turning breech daily at thirty-seven weeks gestation, that she would be the one to master the way to stop my heart at regular intervals throughout her life; standing up in the bathtub would be one of those instances.

We have jumped into the chapter book pool with a splash of delighted laughter and excitement about "that big giant"; Ruby applauds Roald Dahl's The BFG nearly as much as she praises her daddy's giant impersonations.  I'm not sure how we are in the land of chapter books already; time continues to yank me along.  Ruby was in the 50th percentile for weight and height at her three year checkup last week.  She passed her vision test using the shape chart, and she got a shot in the arm with the much anticipated sticker (bandaid) and sucker as an overshadowing reward.

current little bits of joy:

★ hearing Ruby introduce her lego people as Mr. Ruby to the other lego people.
★ morning baby snuggles
★ Hershey's milk chocolate drops 
★ all things owl
★ watching my babies play together in their tiny pink kitchen of the vintage variety
★ house dreaming and the obsessive pinning that is required to go along with it
★ red wagon walks around the neighborhood
★ Eisley's kisses and her subsequent proud grin
★ in constant pursuit of nerdy word games, Scramble with Friends has become a mild obsession
★ pint-sized faux fur boots

window gazing

serious lips


big sister

sunday walk

precious girls & pippi

loves of my life

aviator girl

aviator girl 2




Jimmy and Ruby had an imaginary pinata in the house - a ribbon blindfold and leftover Halloween candy.  Ruby could have done it for hours.



a tall cookie tale

is this crazy??  This morning, this picture repeated itself after nearly eleven months.  Unreal.

phone photo roundup

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