
Thursday, March 8, 2012

is this thing on?

I gotfor how to balance a zillion hobbies all whilst photographing and documenting various evidence for memory's sake.  Gotfor is Rubyish for forgot; I can't bring myself to correct her because it brings a smile to my face every single time.

The days have passed quicker than I can comprehend, each day filled with a bit more than the last.

Last Friday brought forth a day full of pampering for my mom; a birthday treat from Meredith and me.  A trip through the Starbucks drive through in which Meredith and I realized how unbrilliant we were at planning a thorough surprise with a supposed surprise visit from Meredith landed her directly in front of us in line.  It set the tone for so much laughter for the remainder of the day.

Up first: pedicures!

We moved onto the black hole (Target) where I went for um, wipes?  And somehow walked out with more bags than I could carry.  And those were not bags of wipes.  Was that obvious?  It's dangerous for me to be without my ticking time bomb (read: Eisley) because I loiter.  I touch things.  I walk down ever.single.aisle.

We moved onto the mall for a pregnancy craving remained serious favorite (garlic parmesan pretzel bites), and a comical trip through Victoria's Secret.  We ushered mom out quickly for her next surprise -
a makeover for the hairs on her head.

It got sort of emotional a la those makeover moments all over television.  I sort of expected it and yet it caught me extremely off guard.  She looks amazing!  Meredith and I passed the hours of lowlighting and highlighting with Draw Something and a few jokes about the surprise that would be revealed when the mirror was uncovered after Mom was finished.

We rushed off to dinner; daisies and roses waiting for us at our table, ever reminding us of the birthday - the turn of a new year.  Calamari, the most delicious chicken I have ever tasted, and New York strip steaks before positively inhaling the birthday skillet cookie.  

I'm so thankful for two amazing women in my life - I will never forget this day, as long as I live.


Eisley birthday unfolded with a Thin Mint - the only proper way to start your birthday.  Or any day.

Birthday outfit was trashed within one hour, naturally.  

We had her favorite for dinner, which just so happens is the same favorite as Ruby's (then and now).  Spaghetti, salad, and bread.  Topped off with the cake Ruby and Aunt Moo made.  The girls spent the remainder of the night test driving their new princess coupe, and playing with new fun toys.

Marie Spencer (the second namesake Cabbage Patch doll to grace our household)

Sunday brought a trip to IKEA and dinner out to celebrate Mom's birthday.  Yes, that's my third trip to IKEA in a month.  Third trip ever, actually.  I might have a problem.

Chunky Monkey is thinning out.  I know it's sort of strange to say you'll miss chub, but boy, will I miss me some chub.  Twenty two pounds,  twelve ounces puts her in the 75th percentile, rather than the 90th that she was at her last visit.  She's average length, and has a giant head (90th).

Little Miss gets a little more courage every day:

warning: total mom voice


With that, I'm off for birthday party preparations and more hat making.  I'm drowning in my own crocheting obsession and need to feed my pile of patterns.  It's a compulsion that I don't seem to have control of.

Sort of like the obvious compulsion to buy little girl clothes evident by the fact that I cannot fit another single article of clothing in either of the girls' closets. Instead, a neat pile sits in their room waiting for bigger closets (I am told this is not the answer to my problem).  This is getting hard to deny.

Lest you believe we are blessed to live in a tropical place this time of year, I'm hear to tell you that these were for a little boutique photo shoot.  

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