
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

perspective and park days

A weight was lifted and my chest felt free.  My mind is slightly clearer, with a little more room free for clutter.  I slept better last night than I have in weeks.  While being that vague internet annoyance, I'll just say: I have stepped over life's biggest hurdle, come to some painful realizations, and understood that life doesn't discriminate; we all have the curveballs to deal with.

I am so thankful for the people that have chosen to walk beside me, listening to tearful realizations and questions, and offering me love.  You know who you are - so much love and thankfulness.  Love is a powerful emotion, offering devastation and happiness beyond expression; such feelings are so familiar to Him; it's incredible to think of how He is let down by the people he loves so very much.

Impromptu dance parties and karaoke sessions put things into perspective.  [You should hear Eisley sing along to music while Ruby worries about not knowing the words yet; I have two crazy dancers, too.]

We have had a germ circus around here which hasn't necessarily been pleasant, but it has made for lots of snuggly days and quiet days with Easter-themed crafts, crafting, and stories.  I think the germs are finally on their way out

Eisley got some jammies for her birthday that say "Ruby's Fruit Stand" across the shirt.  Ruby recognized her name on the shirt and we told her what it said.  When Eisley wore those jammies two nights ago, Ruby said, "Is that my little fruit snack?"

I think Eisley shall forever be nicknamed Fruit Snack.

The weather we have had is my favorite part of this time of year.  Springy, with signs of new life.  Grassy smells, breezes blowing, and mountains still covered in blankets of snow.  It makes for perfect park days and picnics.

Also, just in case anyone is inquiring, I am looking for a nighttime nanny - one that takes the sleep shift.  Because the wee one in uor house has reverted to her newborn days (mostly thanks to the germs, I am hoping).

So, yeah.  Inquire within.

Oh, and Eisley walks nearly 100% of the time now, and she has been for the last several days.  My drawers and cabinets have never seen so much attention.

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