
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

wedding weekend and devastation

Like fairy dust sprinkled across the sky, the stars over top of our home are the most magical, glittering stars I have ever seen.  It's only fitting to take chocolate milk and a blanket out to the backyard to make golden star wishes per Ruby's request.  To have the ambitions of a three year old - nothing in the world will convince you that you cannot catch a star to keep it's beauty near you forever and always.

I have vowed not to give my second child a complex with the lack of baby book entries, pictures, and other memorabilia.  It might take me until she's thirty, but it will be done.  The ill side effects of such practices might be that they induce baby fever tendencies, because it surely can't be the baby that's teething and somewhat like sleeping with an angry ninja that's awakening those feelings.

We spent last weekend away at a wedding in a fun little town several hours away.  I look forward to staying in hotels because seriously?! ourbedistheworstEVAR.  Aside from the upstairs neighbors doing what I can only assume was Tae Bo at 7:00 each morning and Ruby falling out of the bed, the sleep was actually...restful.

With the exception of the spider convention being held right alongside the wedding, it was a fun excuse to get away, to be with family, to eat, and to shop.

The cousins got to swim.


I spent parts of this evening listening to the radio traffic for the fires in Colorado.  It seems like a horrible movie with the pictures of ash storms and the hurried and breathless voices sending their tallies of burning homes and threatened places through the scanner.  Fiery orange skyline as far as the eye can see - far less magical than our clear sky full of stars.  Reminiscent of watching the horror unfold in the terrorism attacks of 9/11, I will never get these images of these historic places and homes collapsing into heaps of ashes.  Like they were never really there at all - all of their belongings, precious, tangible memories turned to dust.

Ruby, my sweet little obsessive-minded child has not stopped talking about the fire and her worry for the people that have lost their homes.  One of the things I constantly struggle with is the inescapable task of teaching my children about the bad that happens in their world.  Ruby makes it slightly more difficult with her need to know every last detail on repeat.  It makes no sense in her world for anything but good things to happen; fire doesn't fit into her thoughts.  I hate that her world can't stay so small for the rest of her life.

Yet another reminder of how fleeting life is, how much the little things do mean, and how many things I have to be thankful for in my life.

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