
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

thoughts on life.

Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts has gone plummeting straight to the very depths of my soul, inspiring me in the wee hours of the morning to create my own list of life's greatest glee-packed  treasures.  For the last year, I have realized the imperfections of life, of humans, and of myself.  It has been a humbling journey in the form of one of the scariest and unstoppable roller coasters.

While this isn't what dreams are made of, I am awakened to new sights, to things I needed to learn.  My flaws are immeasurable.  That's such a hard concept for a perfectionist to hear or otherwise acknowledge.  With all of these imperfections and mistakes, I am loved.  My children love me without restriction, my husband and family love me.  And most of all, God loves me.  He leads me through the bad, teaches me through the bad, and I am learning to see the good in everything.  

The Lord your God has chosen
you to be a treasured possession
out of all the peoples who
are on the face of the earth.
                                Deuteronomy 7:6 

I have been swept away in a funnel of swirling emotions, doubts, and thankfulness; an inner transformation of sorts as I cling to the things I know to be true and cherish the things in my life.  

He works in mysterious ways.

Times in which I cannot bear to correct Ruby:

when she tells me that her hands are "sprinkly" after being in the bath for too long

when she talk about various animals and their "whikspurs"

Shopping trips are made of lollipops to keep me from having to run through stores, and cupcake dates after errands are finished.

I can't believe we are nearing the middle of July.  Jimmy and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on the 7th.  I got waffles on a stick for breakfast (5th anniversary - wood of some sort).  We will celebrate with an actual day out this weekend.

Favorite Eisley words: Ruby (ee-EE), Pip, Bubbles (buhhh-BUUHH), shoes (shiss), teeth (teeeee), tootsies, and thank you (dee doo), UH OH!

I happen to love the way she nods her head like her life depends on her enthusiasm - I ask her every morning if she slept well, and I ask her if her snacks were yummy - she constantly meets those two questions with nods.  The rest of the time, she seems to know the difference between nodding yes and shaking no.

For those keeping track - mama remains "na na" - I won't hold it against her forever.  Especially if she continues to herself.

Life is crazy.

And great.

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