
Monday, September 3, 2012

weekend love

Our week has been chock full of love, fall, and fun.  Among other things:


A cancer walk with some very special people carried in our hearts.

Football.  Lots of football, and a fantasy football draft that I begrudgingly attended by the persuasion of my mom and the draw of legitimate Chicago-Style Pizza (straight from Lou Malnati's in Chicago!) - here's hoping our team pulls off some miraculous wins, a change from the last three years.

Labor Day shopping which included heaps of ruffles, chevron, and frills.

Discovering that our house looks just like I always picture brand new construction, complete with vapor wrap...and walls inside!

Shoe fashion shows.  About 3423 of them.

Eating dinner outside with summery peaches and grilled food.

Holiday picnic lunches spent at Grandpa Jack's cabin with an amazing view of both the scenery and the branches stemming from the family tree.

Late night Big Bang Theory marathons.

Discovering the $1 aisle strawberry plant has actually grown fruit - what a wise Valentine's Day investment from Ama!

Naps beneath blowing curtains.

Orange spice mochas.

A Strawberry Shortcake travel through time with Rubes watching a mini-marathon while I finish up the hat to do list.

"That's me and Eisley licking ice cream cones."


After asking about our walk, I explained to Ruby that we would be walking to help sick people.  "Well, we are not doctors."  came the automatic response.

Favorite Eisley words at the moment: dirty (deee-teee), coffee (cocky), chicken (kickin-this sends me into deja vu spins with Ruby at this age), Me? (Nee?), shoes (Whose!), diaper (which has become "popper" in our house), water (wa-wa), and of course Mama, which is plain as day and precious in her sweet voice.

This big girl celebrates 18 months today!

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