
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the little things and abundance.

Today, a strange realization struck me.  My baby will be turning two in just over three months.  As I laid there, running my fingers through her tiny wisps of hair and watching her eyelids dance in her dreams, I found myself in such a state of disbelief, I think I could have convinced anyone - including myself - that she was most definitely still a baby.  Far from two.

She seems so little to me, still.  I treasure the moments that she fits into my arms, and asks me to take a nap (!!) The way her little baby body looks, from the chubby hands and feet to the barely there hairs.  The way her bottom lip quivers just before she cries, the way she looks at me with such innocence and wonder.  I can't get enough of her.  I want to freeze her just where she is; the way she pieces together words, the way she counts to two, the way she inspects everything and mimics her sister.

We filled our week of Thanksgiving with family, joy, and relaxation.  Looking ahead, I would have thought we'd be in a sheer state of panic.  Realistically, I probably should be, but Jimmy and I both have some degree of denial about the big move.  There was some sort of sadness this year as I felt the pummel of being another statistic.  Dividing time between numerous households is a rough feeling; explaining the dynamic to a curious four year old is even harder.  I masked the hurt with brownies and some Black Friday shopping (which was actually more like Gray Saturday shopping, not that I'm complaining), despite multiple insistences that I wouldn't even go there this year due to the amount of stuff we have to move.  I managed to score some amazing deals on new bedding and other assorted house things, so I went for it.

hair?!  she has it!

shades down while we eat our apples; because this is how we roll.

The countdown continues with 15 days to go.  I'm actually unbelievably calm before the storm that I know is about to hit.  Boxes are everywhere, I know where absolutely nothing is, and the garage itself has not had a single thing packed.  Also?  My really awesome plan of using up things in the freezer and pantry has worked really well.  So well, in fact, that we will be donating canned goods and dry foods to the local Share Center and we'll still move an entire freezer full of food.

Because I am awesome.


First thing in the morning:

Ruby: "Eisley, you STINK!"


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