
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

a lame excuse

This blogging hiatus was completely unintentional, slightly embarrassing, and behind the cause of something extraordinary.  Being away, time has been fleeting and at a complete standstill - a trick only time knows how to complete. I was a part of my sweet friend's birth, we celebrated Easter, and watched  Ruby grow from choppy reading to recognizable fluency.  We celebrated birthdays and had guests, and we watched Frozen approximately 9854 times.

A handful of nights ago, the hour was obscene before the girls and I crashed into bed.  Jimmy was gone, which left them next to me - snuggled together, hands held, and prayers whispered.  I can't explain the emotions that flooded my heart, but something in the simplicity of that moment was so overwhelming.

The last several weeks have been incredibly humbling - a microscopic view of the small things in life.  The ones that comprise the most important places in my heart.  A reminder to slow down and hold tightly to the things that slip through the cracks in the hustle of life.

Life has a funny way of turning the mirror in for close examination; I promise real and regular blogging will return soon!

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