
Friday, August 8, 2014

time is a circus

Oh, blog.  Fallen in between the cracks of forgotten laundry and dusty baseboards.  I'm waving the white flag - this pregnancy has left me surrendering admissions in various places of my life.  I really can't do it all.  I couldn't before, either, but I sure loved pretending.  This one time, about six months ago, I totally had all these things planned to crochet, freezer meals that would be stacked lovingly in my freezer, and a clean house and happy children while I just simply enjoyed this pregnancy.


The good news?  We are in double digits (82 days!) for countdown and I am climbing the last part of the mountain.  I can't believe I hit the third trimester.  Alive, anyway.  It seems as though I have been pregnant for about three and a half years - so many people around me would positively swear by the same sentiment.  And also, let's be honest, I probably need at least another year for the sake of this baby having a name.

I'm anxious to kiss this sweet little baby.  It seems to have perfected its charming good looks - I may let it off of its grounded for life sentence a bit early.

For serious with that face?

Jimmy's sister and her family stopped by for a whirlwind trip at the end of July, and then my precious friend Rebecca came to visit with her two kids.  We could sum that trip up with: crazy exhausted children, bad television sponsored by a select buffet of pinterest-inspired yums, time in the car with loud Disney movies, and a whole bunch of laughter.

Rebecca and Erin threw me the sweetest baby shower.  The night before, I got the surprise of my life when my Aunt Sara and cousin Melissa showed up at my door!  They flew in for my baby shower and left me speechless and emotional.  I feel blessed to have amazing friends and family - it's touching to see how loved this baby is already.

My baby starts school in one week.  I nearly had to bring a little paper sack with us on our school shopping adventure.  I know she'll be in a great place, and I know she is going to love going, but I basically still think she is my tiny baby and I should get to keep her in my pocket at all times.  Jimmy thought he was funny by asking me to wait until I send her off to college, and I think my death eyes in response were enough to keep him from ever even thinking that around me again.  Kindergarten and then her sixth birthday - they are basically here!

Are you all ready to send me in to get my head examined?  I am SO BEYOND FLIPPING EXCITED that football season is here!  It means FALL.  And BABY BABY BABY BABY.  I am not so excited about Jimmy being gone, especially towards the end of this crazy adventure, but I have good faith things will work out.  And also?  Pumpkin spice, friends.  It's right around the corner!

I am about to start Christmas shopping.  

Maybe I should have my head examined.

*I apologize for the excessive use of CAPS in this post.  It's the small things.

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