
Thursday, March 12, 2015

tales from the hood

motherhood, that is.

The laundry is ALL WASHED.  Two weeks of sick and the proper obsessive disinfecting that followed left me washing all but the drapes and a feeling that the laundry had actually taken over all areas of the house.  A baby multiplies laundry by about fifty.

Also, said baby has now actually slept at nighttime for the last two nights in a row.  And after over a week of nighttime shenanigans, I feel like the fog has been lifted and all that remains are the ginormous bags beneath my eyes.  This isn't the first new thing with the third child (I don't think I'll ever have it all mastered), but the wonder weeks is a new concept to me, and more specific than what I once may have called a growth spurt or maybe even teething.  It has been absolutely dead on for Luca.  And after several days of broken sleep and then about four of what felt like no sleep, it hit me to check on the timing.  It's a renewal of patience to understand that his sweet little brain is developing and making new connections.  He is now grabbing things and putting them to his mouth, and instead of being toted around for the ride around the house as I aim to get things done while pleasing his desire to be held, he is very interested in the things that I am doing.  March 4 was the day that married his fingers to his toes, and they basically haven't left since.  

I have also made it to two events with all three kiddos with multiple minutes to spare, so if we could go ahead and make note of this, that'd be great.  

The #momfail of the week happened to be me being busted for throwing away homework.  Six years: I had a good run.  Oh, but the guilt!  I feel like I may have scarred her for life with the knowledge that I don't keep every single thing she has ever done.  Our keepsake file is protesting after a handful of years, when I once thought it would hold a childhood (or three), and subtraction and handwriting just don't make the cut next to the footprint snowmen and the family portraits of egg people.

Eisley had her ballet performance yesterday - she has come a long way in a year and a half.  School and ballet have pushed her outside of her comfort zone in such positive, encouraging ways.  And that bun?  At least quadruple in size from the first performance hair we did (imagine: pencil eraser).

The most fun news of the week is brought to us by Disney and the fact that we have our vacation booked.  I am mostly excited with a side of terror thinking about the flight there and all of the stuff that accompanies a little person (or three).  I may soon become a member of the orange-stickered OVERWEIGHT baggage group.  Or the families that caused a ruckus on a flight and ended up on the news.

Time will tell.  I'm mostly excited for the sand, sun, and mice.

 so much drool, all the time.  We are smitten.

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