
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

tales of summer

The dishwasher hums through its daily cycle of work and I can hear the sound of Eisley sleeping soundly from the living room: her claimed sleepover spot.  Luca sleepy sighs beside me and the house has this sleepy aura of summery bliss.

I had every intention of detailing the weekend of Meredith's wedding, but I was pulling off a rather significant life facade and got slightly sidetracked with a lengthy list of to dos (and lies).  Maybe I will manufacture the minutes to make it happen before the details slip.

 Luca and I flew to Texas last weekend, a surprise to one of my favorite people in the world.  I loved my little travel buddy and he was up for most anything, except for the hotel shower - who can blame him?  We spent a really hot few days shopping and eating and frequenting Target and Starbucks.

I talk to Rebecca about everything, everything.  She knows my life story and every one of my day stories.  I seek her advice on important life decisions like nail polish colors and Starbucks drinks.    Not talking to her about my plans was harder than I imagined, and I tried my hardest not to lie until she pinned me on a few things.  I'm fairly sure the slight untruths are forgiven.

We spent this weekend with family and a whole lot of friends, plus a side of calories.  Like a lot.  (hard to see pictured: skillet cookie that was basically destroyed).

The girls often ask to hold Luca - Eisley will say, "Can Luca snuggle me?"  He doesn't sit still with them for long, but he does love books (and hair), and he finds them absolutely mesmerizing.

some catch up things that I don't want to forget:

this sweet group of friends that I get to do life with - I am so thankful for them!

 This girl makes me so proud - I mostly can't believe she's mine! She did so great in her dance recital last weekend.  Her second tooth gave way to childhood and she sent it off to wherever tooth fairies take teeth.

 Luca's first time in our pool - he people-watched and then fell asleep.

This kiddo figured out how to pull up this week and now it's old news, he is a master!  We joke about knocking him over because he is seven months old and I'm not ready for this!  He is so curious, he doesn't even have time to watch what he's doing; I think this is just the beginning of a boy-themed circus in our house.

and a couple of patriotic Eisleyisms:

United States of America: "Lion States of America"

"Mom, that's me on the America go round (merry-go-round)."

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