
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

blank space

Two months gone.  The longer this place sits vacant, the more daunting it becomes to write again.  The lack of words and memories and photos certainly isn't a reflection of life at the moment, but more of a reflection of the amount of things I am currently juggling and a lack of time to cram a tired, fifteen minute writing session in at the end of the day when littles are sleeping.

With that said, it's a new year; something that promises the beginning of new things, continued work on old goals, and a list of new ones. 

(and as always, snippets of life are on instagram: hilmarhan - it's quick and easy to post there)

The last two months passing by so quickly are such an accurate representation of life - I want to keep track of the fun things, the ugly things, and the parts that we will laugh and cry about for years to come.

Highlights (and excuses for not writing) that missed the blog:

We met Brandon Heath this fall - he played guitar and sang "Jesus in Disguise" with Ruby and Eisley in a moment they will never forgetThe God Thing moments that fell into place when we moved here are numerous - one of my very favorites includes being tossed deep into the Christian music scene.  It's such an amazing feeling to have my girls sing along to the songs.  We were moved deeply with this particular experience.

Jimmy came home one evening in October and told me to pack my stuff and be ready to leave to a surprise destination in mere days.  We left bright and early (with Luca along for the fun) and we landed in Seattle!  It was such a fun surprise and we had an amazing long weekend eating our way through the city. We also got to visit my brother and sister in law which was so fun!

We returned from Seattle to two little girls who were spoiled rotten with fun and treats by Papa and Cici.  And I dove right into birthday planning for Luca (party details: here), and then straight into a gender reveal for my sister and her husband.

There is a whole lot of power in that little envelope that I held, and a whole lot of pressure too!  The news isn't new anymore, but I am so thrilled...

 My niece, Miss Brinley Claire, will be here in March (or possibly April).  It's so exciting to buy bows and tiny sparkled shoes and ruffles again!

And that night, we dressed up for Halloween and celebrated with Aunt Sara and Uncle Phil!

 November was a milestone month for Luca - he began walking and got his first haircut!

 (he has had three since!)


Sadly, we also experienced loss this fall.  We lost Jimmy's Grandpa and we lost our beloved yorkie, Pippi.  

I can't put into words the amount of love my girls held for that dog, and she was the best dog.  Sadly, she left her mark on us early, and we have to love her through memories now. And giving my children that news was the hardest thing I have had to do as a parent thus far - absolutely soul crushing.

In a twist of answered prayers for us, we found a puppy to love.  Through many teary conversations and prayers, we decided to go for it. And although we will never replace our sweet Pip, we are so thankful to get to have another puppy to love.

Meet Dexter (who was almost named George):

He is the sweetest, snuggliest, perfect little healing therapy for our family.


Our big to do for 2015 was Disney.  We spent two weeks in Florida.  It was fun to see months of planning and dreaming come alive in a truly magical way for our kiddos.  That can't possibly be narrowed down to a quick summary or a few photos (find some on instagram: hilmarhan) - perhaps I'll get a post out on our trip before this year is over.

Phew.  Longest recap ever.  With that out of the way, I am hopeful I can get back into the swing of things. 

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